Encouraging Sun Safety: 5 Tip's to Get Kids to Love Wearing Sunscreen.

The picture is of a young girl, who appears to be very happy and is smiling cheekily. The child has wavy brown hair. There is an adult hand holding a SUNNYBOD™ Refillable Sunscreen Brush applicator and is applying sunscreen to the child's face.

We all know the importance of protecting our children from the harmful effects of the sun. The sun's UV rays can cause long term damage to their delicate skin, leading to sunburns, premature aging, and an increased risk of skin cancer later in life. But getting kids to willingly wear sunscreen can sometimes feel like a battle. Applying sunscreen to a squirming, wriggling toddler is not without its challenges and often leads to tears and tantrum's. The good news is that there are effective strategies that can make sunscreen application a fun and habit forming part of your child's daily routine. 

1. Make it Fun

Kids love to have fun, and incorporating sunscreen application into their playtime can make a big difference. Turn it into a game by: 

  • Spots or stripes? Kids love face paint, so why not try applying sunscreen with some artistic flair. Ask your child, do you want spots like a leopard or stripes like a lion? Let them practice their roar whilst you rub it in. 
  • Sunscreen challenge. Set a timer and challenge your child to apply sunscreen quickly while standing on one leg.
  • Style up your sunscreen. Get creative and ask your child to decorate the sunscreen bottle/tube or sunscreen applicator  with stickers or Permanent marker. Display it with pride in the bathroom, kitchen or car, ready to be applied. Be sure not to cover the direction for use.

When sunscreen time is enjoyable, children are more likely to cooperate.

2. Teach by Example

Children often emulate the behaviour of adults and older siblings. Lead by example and wear sunscreen yourself. Encourage other family members to do the same. Allow them to apply sunscreen to your arms or face before you apply it to theirs.  When children see that sun protection is a family priority, they are more likely to follow suit. 

3. Make it Part of a Routine

Children thrive on routines, and incorporating sunscreen application into their daily schedule can help make it a habit. Consider making sunscreen application a part of their morning routine, just like brushing their teeth or getting dressed. Consistency is key to establishing good sun safety habits.
4. Involve Them in the Process 

Children are more likely to comply with tasks when they feel involved in the decision making process. Take a moment to explain to your child why wearing sunscreen is essential for their health. Let them help choose the sunscreen product from options suitable for their skin type. You may wish to let them choose a sunscreen with their favourite colour, scent, or one with a favourite cartoon character on it. When they feel invested in the choice, they are more likely to take ownership of applying sunscreen.

5. Offer a Reward

Positive reinforcement goes a long way in reinforcing positive behaviour. Consider offering a small reward or praise for wearing sunscreen consistently. Create a chart to track their progress, and provide additional rewards as they consistently wear sunscreen. This approach can motivate children to make sun protection a daily habit. 


A susncreen applicator like the SUNNYBOD Refillable Sunscreen Brush is a game changer, a time saver, and a lifesaver, all rolled into one. Say goodbye to messy, greasy hands and missed spots of unprotected skin. SUNNYBOD™ makes sunscreen application a breeze, with a simple, mess free design that's perfect for parents on the go.


With this refillable sunscreen brush, parents can ensure that their little ones are protected from harmful UV rays, all while avoiding the tears and tantrums that can come with traditional sunscreen application. Best of all it's BPA free, 100% Recyclable, vegan and cruelty free. 



Along with susncreen, sun protective clothing is a must. Encourage your child to wear hats, sunglasses, and covered clothing with built in UV protection. Let them choose items that express their personal style, turning sun protection into a fashion statement. 

By implementing these strategies, you can encourage  your child to wear sunscreen consistently and learn to actually love it. Remember, the key is to make sunscreen application a positive and enjoyable experience, setting the foundation for a lifetime of healthy skin and safe sun exposure.

Important: No sunscreen is 100% effective. Sunscreen is only one form of sun protection. Always use sunscreen in conjunction with other sun safety methods. Wear a broad brim hat, sunglasses, covered clothing and seek shade.



Hello Sunshine! We are SUNNYBOD™, and we're dedicated to bringing you engaging and informative insights into sun safety. As passionate advocates for a future free from melanoma, we work diligently to empower you with knowledge and awareness. Through our unique human-AI collaboration, SUNNYBOD™ hopes to inspire you and your family to enjoy the sun safely, armed with the latest in sun care innovation and information.

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